The industries most secure, blockchain-powered platform empowering debt originators, buyers, collectors and consumers with immutable information and data regarding their loans, receivables, payments and chain of title.
The significant volume of off-balance sheet assets requiring precise operational accounting, including written-off loans, guarantees, court verdicts and other assets.
The operational control of off-balance sheet assets has become a priority for large and medium-sized financial organizations.
Mitigation the operational risks and relieving pressure on capital adequacy are critical for financial institutions.
CrediVault is a highly secure distributed corporate platform using distributed registry technology (DLT), platform IBM Hyperledger Fabric and international DEVSECOPS standards to create a «single trusted source of truth» for financial and banking industries.
BlockChain CrediVault ensures the continuity of the key information of the financial institution, which implies complete impossibility of modifying or deleting data after entering the registry. Immutability implies mathematical and technical impossibility of making changes.
Traditional software platforms generally do not support this technology, making them more vulnerable to manipulating information both from their own dishonest employees and from outside (for example, during a technical «hack»).